Migrants flee flight from Morocco after emergency landing at Barcelona airport

Twenty-seven passengers fled a plane at Barcelona’s El Prat airport this morning after a woman pretended she was in labour so plane would make emergency landing.

The drama occurred this morning after the A321 landed at 4.30am.

As flight attendants helped the woman. who claimed her waters had broken, disembark, a group of 28 migrants fled the plane and ran onto the runway.

Eight of them reportedly agreed to return to the plane voluntarily and police are scrambling to find the other 14 migrants who fled.

Pegasus Airlines operated flight PC652, which had 228 passengers onboard from Casablanca to Istanbul.

Sources at the central government’s delegation in Catalonia confirmed the mass attempt to flee the plane had occurred after a woman on board falsely claimed she was going into labour.

They said the 13 people intercepted near the plane had been stopped on the runway by police and Civil Guard officers.

The eight passengers who did not agree to be returned to the aircraft are now facing expulsion from Spain.


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